Saturday, 14 May 2011

Stonehenge: analysis of zircon crystals

“Scientists in Wales have made a major discovery that could provide the key to unlocking the mysteries of Stonehenge. Using new technologies they have been able to prove the precise origins of some of the stones that make up the monument. Their discoveries are now fuelling debate about how the stones were moved and how the stone circle was constructed.”

Their research includes that conducted by the geochemist Dr Nick Pearce, of the University of Aberystwyth, who has analysed the zircon crystals that are embedded in some of the stones; he employs a technique that uses a laser to vaporize small samples of the crystals so that their chemical make up can be scrutinized.
Article from Heritage Action -
See also –
Photo credit  - The Stonehenge Tour Company

Stonegenge Tour Guide

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