Monday, 16 September 2024

Stonehenge Autumn Equinox Celebrations: 22nd September 2024

The Autumn Equinox (Mabon) is rapidly approaching as the last days of summer slowly come to an end. English Heritage are expected to offer a short period of access, from first light or safe enough to enter the monument field (approximately 06.15am until 08:30am) on the 22nd September.

Entry to the monument will begin between 05:45 – 06.15 hours (or when it is light enough to safely enter) on Sunday 22nd September.

The Stonehenge car park will open at 05:15am. All vehicles must vacate the car parks by 11am.
Please note: there is a 25-30 minute walk (approximately 1½ miles or 2km) from the Stonehenge Visitor Centre to Stonehenge. This walk is across National Trust downland which is uneven: sensible footwear and a torch are advisable.

There will be a shuttle bus to the stones operating once the monument field has been opened (see times above).

he Autumn Equinox is one of the rare occasions that English Heritage opens up the stones for public access. Equinox open access attracts fewer people than the Solstices – in the several hundreds rather than tens of thousands – and there are modern Druid ceremonies which are held in the circle around dawn, so if you prefer a quieter experience then attending the Autumn Equinox is a good choice.

Book this exclusive tour now!