Thursday 4 February 2010

Doctor Who filming at Stonehenge

On Tuesday night, February 2, Wiltshire's ancient stone monument was taken over by a film crew.....filming season five of BBC 1's Doctor Who.

Exclusive leak....
Turns out that when the moon lies above the stone circle and the sun is on the opposite side of the earth, the stone circle acts as a gateway to a parallel time and place. Standing in the centre of the circle can allow one to be at one with the entire universe but unfortunately induces runaway ageing and exposure to other more evil personalities bent upon conquest. Dr Who finds himself imprisoned within the stone circle of an advanced extra-galactic civilisation and is held as a hostage until dastardly demands are met. The clock is running and the Doctor is rapidly ageing towards infancy. A twist in the tale is the entity that is allowed into the modern Human world when the stone circle is activated. Sadly, the choices are harsh.....either allow the proposed McDonalds drive-through planned for the Avenue, the bowling alley, the souvenir shop and the vast visitor facilities or, the Doctor will be wearing nappies for the remainder of this series and the evil personality (a hybrid mutation of David Icke and Schliemann) will win executive control of English Heritage.

Doctor Who at Stonehenge
Despite it being a closed set...
Local fans, braved the rain hoping to catch a glimpse of the action: "I've been a fan of Doctor Who since I was five, that's 35 years now, and this has been the first chance I've had to see it being filmed." returning professor River Song (Alex Kingston) have all been spotted on set - along with a brazier or two - the rumour is that the latest episodes including The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below and Victory of the Daleks will all be set 'some time in the past'.

With early filming reports claiming that the Doctor aka Matt Smith along with his sexy assistant Amy Pond played by Karen Gillan...

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